

ANTHROPEN. An open access dictionary

The aim of the Anthropen online dictionary project is to report on the transformations that anthropology has undergone in recent decades in conjunction with a questioning of its theoretical formulations, fields of research and methodological choices. Its ambition is to provide anthropology researchers, teachers, students and other interested individuals with an open access tool for capturing new configurations of the discipline in a way that reflects their full scope, timeliness and diversity.

Anthropen is also a French-language platform where international specialists, professors, researchers, and doctoral and post-doctoral students from different intellectual and theoretical backgrounds are invited to write entries based on critical feedback and reviews provided upstream, followed by an evaluation in accordance with scholarly standards. In the short term,Anthropen’s ambition is to expand its platform for reflection, discussion and debate around the entries made available through the dictionary. The dictionary team is composed of a management team, an international committee, and technical collaborators. The entries are drafted based on invitations issued to authors by the management team; however, the dictionary also welcomes spontaneous proposals.

The anthropology to which the Anthropen dictionary refers is in line with the classical organizing principles of the discipline (field practice, knowledge of languages, monographic focus, etc.), as well as with perspectives arising from new ways of practicing the discipline (multifaceted globalization, social and institutional demands, knowledge production by actors, forms of hegemony, ethical requirements, etc.). The purpose of the dictionary is to participate in the critical development of knowledge about societies and cultures.

The Anthropen dictionary is rooted in the discipline of anthropology but is also open to the cultural sciences. It is furthermore in dialogue with the various anthropologies being developed in different languages and from diverse scientific and cultural intellectual backgrounds.